Innovation technologique pour propulser votre entreprise
Facilitateur de votre transformation numérique
Grâce à notre recherche & développement,
nous repoussons les limites de ce qui est possible
Des partenaires de recherche hors pair
Des travaux de qualité commencent par des alliances avec des partenaires de choix. Mind in a Box est fier de pouvoir compter sur un lien privilégié avec ces leaders de leur domaine pour mener à bien ses travaux d’innovation.

Soutenu par un
solide écosystème
Les solutions Mind in a Box ont été rendues possibles par l’appui de plusieurs programmes, grâce à divers acteurs qui ont cru en notre vision et en notre capacité à la concrétiser.
Ils nous ont soutenus à toutes les étapes de son développement, nous permettant de prendre des risques technologiques, de repousser constamment les limites, afin de vous offrir des solutions plus efficaces et complètes.Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Energy of Québec and Investissement Québec
- Créativité Québec Program
- Innovation Program, Support for Innovation Commercialization Projects
National Research Council Canada
- lndustrial Research Assistance Program (NRC IRAP)
Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Energy of Québec
- Private Partnership Pre-competitive Research
- Passport Innovation Program
- First Patent Program
Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions
- Regional Economic Growth Through Innovation program
Canada Revenue Agency and Revenu Québec
- Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED)
Scale Al, Canada's AI Supercluster
- Co-funding of 3 collaborative research projects in AI
- Commercialization of innovations Fund

You want to modernize your Supply Chain, but no one seems able to make AI or Blockchain fully benefit your operations?
We have packaged the best AI and Blockchain solutions and pre-optimized them to our solutions so you don’t have to.
The result: powerful, easy to us Machine Learning and Blockchain based features, already connected to the other Mind in a Box components and easy to integrate in your projects and your operations.
Blockchain and Machine Learning don’t have to be complicated. M/B AI+ and M/B Trace propose easy to deploy, powerful features to help you make the best out of these new technologies.
Do you have so many sensors and equipments in your facilities, connecting them all up would cost a fortune?
Mind in a Box BIoTOPE has been designed precisely for this situation.
Through the integration of several partner platforms, we can ingest more than 2000 different sources of data, including more that 1500 sources of machine data: network components, field devices, and IoT sensors.
It doesn’t have to be expensive to use your own machine data. Our integrated solutions already know how to talk to most of your existing equipment and can quickly adapt to the rest.
Mind in a Box est profondément reconnaissant du soutien continu de ces organisations qui ont rendu tout cela possible :
Ministère de l'Économie, de l'Innovation et de l'Énergie du Québec et Investissement Québec
- -Programme Créativité Québec
- -Programme Innovation, Soutien aux projets de commercialisation des innovations
Conseil national de recherches Canada
- -Programme d’aide à la recherche industrielle (PARI CNRC)
- -Fonds Commercialisation des innovations
Ministère de l'Économie, de l'Innovation et de l'Énergie du Québec
- -Recherche précompétitive en partenariat privé
- -Programme Passeport Innovation
- -Programme Premier Brevet
Développement économique Canada pour les régions du Québec
- - Programme Croissance économique régionale par l’innovation
Agence de Revenu du Canada et Revenu Québec
- -Recherche scientifique et développement expérimental (RS&DE
Scale AI, supergrappe d'IA du Canada
- Cofinancement de 3 projets de recherche collaborative en IA

Intéressé de découvrir comment tirer le meilleur parti de nos solutions intégrées?
Our Edge Computing integrated
solutions are ready for you
Whether it's fault prevention of production, supply, or operational optimization, Mind in a Box Make is designed to give your Industry 4.0 strategy all the power of Real-Time Analytics and Artificial Intelligence.
Through partnerships with some of the best solutions providers in the world, Mind in a Box BIoTOPE offers a unique ecosystem of more than 2000 data sources. It includes mobile devices , Edge AI appliances, network equipment, location equipment, IoT sensors and a large collection of platforms and databases.
Our geoanalytics module provides you with ingestion , mapping, planning and track & trace capabilities. If you need to know where your current operations happened and when, or to optimize the next ones before they do, this is the right tool for you.
Compact, energy efficient and agile, our Edge Analtyics appliance will fit where you need it, even in the most spartan IT environments, even in the field. It's time to decentralize your analytics so you can be faster, more agile, more secure.
Your field Operations in real time
FieldOps provides you with an affordable, versatile, turn key solution to manage your ticketing and logistics optimization on the field, in real time.
Making the most out of current GPU AI acceleration capabilities and designed with Nvidia's support (Mind in a Box is part of the Nvidia Inception program),
Blockchain traceability and Proof of location
When you need to introduce a digital chain of trust, to certify data, to provide Proof of Location, Blockchain has become the technology of choice. M/B Trace packages the power of Ethereum and other blockchain infrastructures to provide you with cutting edge traceability features.
M/B AI+ (Accelerated Intelligence) is providing you the best of breed of Open Source and AI libraries, integrated with our data intelligence solutions.