Intelligent Networks

Your communications, empowered, uninterrupted

Do you wonder how to make the most out of modern work practices, without inviting new threats?

Team meetings, offices and open spaces, transports, communications, B2B and B2C practices, workplaces changed in the span of a few months to integrate remote practices, for better and worse. One thing is certain, we were never so dependent on network infrastructures for day to day operations, in almost every aspect of modern business. This dependence comes with new threats and vulnerabilities: malwares, phishing, ransomware, all spreading and intensifying. Mind in a Box solutions integrate advanced cybersecurity and data governance capabilities relying on the very best expertise and products in the market.

It’s time to secure your infrastructure. We’ve got you covered.

Are your customers the first to find out when your services are offline? Do you worry about learning the real cost of IT outages, the hard way?

We don’t think your operations should stop an hour, a day, a week because of disruptions in the Cloud or your own IT infrastructure. No business can afford to remain at the mercy of the next outage, or worse, to wait for customers to be the first to know.

Mind in a Box Secure enables you to prevent disruptions, not merely to react to them. 

The quality of your products is no longer the only thing your customers see: your communication infrastructure now matters just as much. 

You need them to organize, to supervise, to communicate, to plan, to order, to sell: when the Quality of your IT Services drops, your entire operations suffer along with it. Process and product quality assurance and certification are no longer enough, your digital infrastructure is an essential ingredient for success.

We bring you best-of-breed solutions to monitor the quality of your communication infrastructure and plan your next upgrades. 

Our integrated Intelligent Networks solutions are ready for you 


To guarantee the security of your infrastructure and your operation data, M/B Secure integrates, optimizes and manages the best-of-breed infrastructure monitoring solutions. Backed by state-of-the-art technologies such as Splunk, Centreon and Accedian, Mind in a Box Secure helps you meet the most demanding regulations.

M/B zen

Compact, energy efficient and agile, our on prem solution will support and accelerate your Infrastructure Monitoring needs, being able to ingest more than 20000 events per second for a single Mind in a Box Zen, and being able to scale this power seamlessly by stacking more than one M/B Zen at a time.


Through partnerships with the providers of the some of the best solutions in the world, Mind in a Box BIoTOPE offers a unique ecosystem of more than 2000 connectors, through:
- Splunk Base
- Centreon Plugin Packs,
- Elastic Stack and X-Pack APM, with 300 sources and growing

All these sources can be fully integrated by the Mind in a Box Core software, running on Mind in a Box Zen and Catalyst solutions.

Interested to discover how to get the most of our integrated solutions?